CNET editors gave the application a rating of 5/5 stars, calling it a 'must-have tool'. It was awarded Editor's Choice Award in April 2009 by CNET.[18] In 2016 Piriform announced 2 billion CCleaner downloads worldwide.[19] In January 2014 it had been the most popular software on FileHippo for more than a year, and had a 5-star editor's rating on and Softpedia.[20] CCleaner has been reviewed by,[21] TechRadar,[22] PC Magazine[23] and TechRepublic.[24]
After Piriform was acquired by Avast, in September 2017, CCleaner 5.33 was compromised by the incorporation into the distributed program of the Floxif trojan horse that could install a backdoor, enabling remote access to 2.27 million[31] machines which had installed CCleaner to be infected.[32][33] Avast insisted that the malware was already in CCleaner version 5.33, prior to the purchase of Piriform. Forty of the infected machines received a second-stage payload that appears to have targeted technology companies Samsung, Sony, Asus, Intel, VMWare, O2, Singtel, Gauselmann, Dyn, Chunghwa and Fujitsu.[34][35] On 13 September, Piriform released CCleaner 5.34 and CCleaner Cloud 1.07.3191, without the malicious code.[36]
Emule Per Mac Lion 12
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issssstLiflAJjJJiT Ttr > lr ir JTliy JTliyK1T K WSK S fsprl LEANDER LEANDER TURNS TU NSSEA SEA HORSE HORSEfJ nT f fI I ix V HUltSOff BEUAVSE BEUAVSETlliV DIW Dt4JAUSE7Il1 llSE llSEnunnun IlXCHEH HIS NOSE XOSEliiinoiistriitlon lIOSEIh11I0IlslrnJon NOSEIliiinoiistriitlon I imoist ration Slum ShollI Ins iii That Equine KnulneTioatwrnt I EquineIreatuteflt ulne ulneII Tioatwrnt I1lal 11I111 I Good I rail n 1 sea lieait to 4 Turn TUrfliicraiiIi8 Submarine Submarineaniloil 111 iicraiiIi8 Irsu 111 hi and 1UI to 0 Ilay Iay the Devil DevilNo Delmall DevilIfllttINo iniltor mall what may be the best way waytoto II id a horso hurl on land whether by foro forokk forernnLU1 kk k mann or r nobo tho only part of a ai ahy aA4i M > hy > iy which ho h maybe let in the waterIN waterIN j In tviib ar Where heru a fractious land home homeTli Tl t > ho h nulled ir f you ou grasp him him himr firmly firmlyIr I tlit tl + H 111160 O tills treatment only nmkcs n nFi 1 ataiflhlflFi > m taiflhlfl iiiiui hor horll1 o turn somersaults and andtin andtIn andiirstin iirs H I Im im out without accomplishing tho theput thoIflput Ifl r of tho treatment treatmentM tn tnatrnentrl9vr ltmentM 1 no rl9vr or r no holfiTHpocting horso land landrtI will stand for the smell ofrt water am ammonia 110rnnill am amflflflttt monia Tbo lb I bc fumes go UI ij > insido his hisinl nose noeeII nosenilII nd tuKlo lim nnd make his spirit re revolt roII revolt volt II iKiinsi his human master and all allIlls allIis allitIlls it WOrk worKhll WOrklIll of whlth wa demonstrated yester yesteriiy yestercaY IcaY a afternooi when Ed Fennel whose whosefather whoeefOlhr whoeofathrfather John Fonnoll F11 II 11 runs an awning awningIdiinfsf awningI awningahoutI Idiinfsf 1 > 1I lnl was WI ahout half way through throughnnliiiilm throuphtt S nnliiiilm folding chairs MiKHi on the pier at the foot of West Westiwiv WlIItlnI Vestinhsjth> iwiv lnI inhsjth sixth ntntrt There was a littlo littleMxiil littloaffair littloflcIIlMxiil affair on for last night n ltbt aboard l the thea theNaviiNavii > a il HOMTVO H fO ship Granite State which whichisIi is b piwed at the pier and the chairs were wereforfor 11 tllP Clients ClientsI 1ItI 1ItIThTh I ho single ln le horso attached at ched to the theUght theUghtOwn light lightrr lightrveret1rr rveret1 Own > ered I v wagon stood peacefully surveying surveyingHie Elying ElyingtbHie tb Jprsoy shore while chair after chair chairvnf chairllaflwas taken from the wagon wa on and carried carriedup Iup p th gangplank Iall plank Since he was nccus nccustmiwl nccustOIl1tr1 accus1CUWitmiwl to that sort of job it is ii likely that thatthprx thatIhrt thattlir Ithprx woul hill not a tug towing a string of oFbarge oFbargecIne barges bargMOIllf1UP bargesroniflcIne OIllf1UP up rather suddenly and rather close closeto clOlJItt cloeetcthtt to t tcth the > pier When it was opposite oppoeltethe the pier pierthptiic pierrr thptiic Ih hip 1111 tll Rive a mighty toot all out of pro propnrtirw proII pnrtirw to t its sue Tho horse did not notp notPvnp Pvn n wr to prick up his ears but gave gaveppvpral gaveIlap gavePppvpral leaps len which look Kim to the end endof endJ endefJ P of the Ih pier and then one ope more which took tookhim tooknill1 tookhimhim oorb oYNbllrd nrd The horse and wagon wagoncitcit nl tingled with the stringpiece and the thevjiRor therr r vjiRor rater Hist HistEd IIrstEd liretEdEd rennell his two helpers and two or orIhrpo orthrp orlhrtIhrpo of tho crow of the Granite State Statenl StateIIrI Statevidkr1vidkr1 nl IIrI InoKed to see where the rest of the chairs chairsliaH chall8bad chairehanbad gone At first they Ihl toW nothing but butvatnr butwatr hutsvRtrrvatnr Then rftor a moment there was wasnn michty throshinR clown below soino soinovlipri1 fOmohpn eornei1erfvlipri1 hpn and allda a splash and branders head headhmtpil headhutIdhmtpil up P through tho surface launder IRtmderhlinkNI Leanderh1inhtl launderlilmkedlilmked and started for Wechawken WechawkenHisHis Ji blinders > flapped with each oncoming oncomingwiM oncomlnwawiM wa avt ind tho thills of the wagon which whichInIn I Ii had taken time to detach d while W hlle he wa vtatnn waUII watImnn tin1 tLi hot torn hiding from the tug bobbed bobbednlong bobbedI bobbednlng II nlong Ilion behind him himI hill1Th him himThTh I h men who had Leander Le ncter in charge chargetried char chargetrid e etrjdtried to call him back but he had do dornltil ciacidiir rnltil to go out into a new country and andIgin andiiin1 Igin cm life all over again So a boat was waslowered was1nwtreLI lowered from tho Granite State and andrennell andFunelll rennell and his men und a couple COli pIe of sea seamen SMnwn seai i I men rn went alter him When they got gotrlore gotCIeP ot otIrlore do enough to the horso one of them themreached themrfah themrpaehelI reached rfah mid carted lartll to turn him around But Buttte Butth Butthethe th hair was wet and an It nippcry with the thesilt theNdtI silt water and did not give any sort of a ahold ahnld ahidhold on a ItorMi who had resolved to tolunge tor totkingor lunge his l s life Then they tried him himliy himIIY himbyliy the theWhat note notehit noeWhatWhat hit followed in no mere hearsay It ItIP Itff IP j onrhed for by several hundred persons jicrsonsvlio pCfllonRlhvlio lh ti hid gathered on the pier and along alongthe alongIhfihnlethe Ihfihnle shore Whenever one of the men got gotitI it I good grip on LcdiiderH nose nol the horse horsevould horseOlIld horseLL vould duck his hi > bend until he had thrown throwntho thrownthethe man nearly oft his balance and then thennso ns IS if to demonstrate the futility of such suchineans suchmlIIIS suchflflineans to hold him Leandors back would wouldcrime wouldlOJnJ wouldIDMIcrime flfl orr ow r and then his hind quarters and andthen andIhen andmneimmsthen lim hi feet and finally his hi head again ngainIn nlalnInIn other of her word he would turn a tiomer tiomermiilt aomerllt 8omersjiItmiilt llt right J ht there in the water The men menput men1 menliltput u 1 nooeP noo in a rope ropean ropemnd and threw that over overth overliltth lilt 1 ti IXMSI n lIefl K hut il pinched l > t1th1et hm wind wmdI windplpOI plpO ipo and ho did another somersault tomerR iune up with a buuch of salt water in his hislungs hishm hislungslungs lungsThe hm JS JSThOThe discovery of the proper method methodwaswas merely a matter of elimination after afterall afterithi Iall dn i iven vln en a horses head above water waterund waterIlIld wateramidund having tried tri ll hit lti nose and the mane manepnd manennd maneandand forelock there isnt much left but butthe buttthe t tb h ears mI So as a last resort Fennell Fennelltook FenneltItrild ennell ennelllooktook hold of one ear and one of his as assustanth I1Sblanta aseitantssustanth took hold of the other and they theypulled they1lllld theyillodpulled illod To their surprise Leander smiled smiledpleasantly smiledplpa smiledpleasantlypleasantly plpa > antly and with a practised kick kickturned kickIturned I IIrn 1 himself around and headed back backfor hackfor backforfor Manhattan and bran mash So far farso faroodso 0 Rood ood Hut another difficulty was ir irMore irlore irstoreMore for the captors of the stvimmT stvimmTI 8wimmfrThey swimmnrlheyThey I hey had forgotten how high a dock dockF dockFtndl dockFtand4F lands above the water waterIeunder wateriander waterLeanderIeunder swam along alon by the side of the theloit thl1lt theh4atloit until he reached almost the exact exactH exactwhere exactIptH Ipt t w where he had taken off for Ins l s filial filialleap fiuial1CI1Ileap 111 und then thought Was taken as to towajw toas toayswajw as and means of hoisting him There Therevisvis V t no derrick in sight and that was waswhat wa waltat waswhatwhat ltat was Wa needed Leander waited pa patuiiMy pat pawhiletuiiMy t nlly while hia betters were talking tho thom themnitm mnit liter I ir n over or Finally Finall some one suggested BUggoatedtinttint I h t there was a beach at the foot of ofNil ofNNil N etvnmth ni1th street three blocks away awayN awaywllh awaywith IN v with ith tho horse in tow held by fhe ears earsth earstit earstheth the In this time tho shore was well lined with withspectators withi1111Iors withIteetatorsspectators i1111Iors and freight froi ht trains were stop stopping 8tOPITlnl stop11mg ping to Rive ive their crows un opportunity opportunitytoto 14 notch tho show showfearing HhowF showaringfearing F tit 1 L4 HIM 11 r hire1l > i riell let go o and tried the nose again againww h the same result as before After AfterPv1 Pv u or ox Ix cartwheels and backflops had hadI hadhJWflI oeii ho hown n ho returned to the ear hold holdMm holdflI11 flI vntioiit incident Off Ninetyninth street streettt II h h I > i rso i t found bottom and walked walkooll8hore walkooll8horeII ashore ashoreHiHi II aljuly il In I Ig gave way under him and he col coll colNewV New IoW York delivery horse cooped up upiii uphiiii it tit diy all 111 the time has no chance chanceff fr r MMmiiiltiR iJlllmill and BO g gets ts soft and flabby flabliyin abhywimminpin 11 us iwinimmIing > wirmiiinK muscles Then if he heMIIS heIII hetrMIIS III tr niT und overdoes the very first time timeI1 s in the water he naturally gives out outAnil outMdAnil 1111 iiiit it la what happened to Leander LeanderA LeanderImruberA mimlxir of the volunteer life saving savingnf n OW w it tho pier came around with a ain atin t tt i II c f ammonia and applied it to the thenoho the1100 thehrhr noho nnd II rill with one good whiff whiffnliirp whiffm11 m1 1 o sharp hurl stuff tiennder T erstwhile flrstwhllo1JIi r twhili twhilijusnil i irtifr rtifr nwlH rivrliIH Ins i keepers hnd learned lots of ofrash oflbrgs oflylbrgs rash hy experience experience They simply rowed rowedtIi t R gf t him by tho ears and towed him himOKI himI himIiflI OKI nglln n This time he did not collapse collapsei1 i lav 1 dow down n for u while until he was waseil wo woIInd wasrr i eil i arid then was driven home homelHiit homeIIVIJt IlHiit 10 VIIAVNCEV VIIAVNCEVI 1111tNCEIFiIiijmj DEIEIf DEIEIfhltlulI hltlul rlind rlindbor nnd Hiinlness Antedate Cele Celehratr CelelJrtle Celeliratehratr Ills IIlsnlrthda IIlsnlrthdaIIIy ISIrthuay ISIrthuaynepy DlrthdayII nepy M 1 Depew was the guest of ofHt oftIr ofbrbor borit Ht I evening at a a dinner given at atby atl t too l OH by a jiumber number of his personal personalMrit itL itI Mr Ir Depew was 75 years old oldivL 1 iv I v HIM hosts included includedVtterburj IncludedtterlJun imicludedttterljuryVtterburj vlcepresidpnt of the theii theilL thelialiruwiii ii llallroud Company William WilliamI llllamiTpI I II iTp jrpsiient ldent of thtf th N New wr York Cen Ceniiiui CenII iiiui 0 Uetlcr vicepresident lceprc ldent and andof amIUlloIlr anduuitirrUlloIlr of I lie Central Hnllroiul HnllroiulDunlel HallroldI Italtroadismml4I r Dunlel M 1 Brady Urlll Otli II IIljrn HII ljrn Iriire f r lllUin emule I Emmet Frank FrankInIi In h IntorboroiiKh I lienry H Hay Hayou o 1 LOri uroHident of the Dela Delalludon DelaJ1JlI flelaIJ1JlI I lludon on Wahlo aldo II Marshall Marshallillill tin American Locomotive LocomotiveUilllnni Iocomotlv8ff Uilllnni II Newman Mornan 1 1u JII I u itlcc llleJameolA Janice A OUorman OGormanChArles OGormanChArlesEo Charles Charlesrr F V W v ItossUcr Clinton 1 1it Ii Ii it f Tracy Trac UoBprn Jamea ianiea4p Kawle RawleJ1 p Shouts irppident of the In InMfnd InICro InIrredMfnd ICro t skill president of the theit i llevite Henry lbmnryS Sanderson SandersonI SaudersonnJerwootlS I > I nJerwootl nJ 5riood president of the theoiwl thetVl theS theiaiS oiwl tVl herbert II Vreeland preil preilP prellern pregiCfltern P Metropolitan Gcorsc A t Post Postnuuht PO5toiahtnuuht and Arthur M Valtt WslttI JIrt H rlrJlJBMJi URniia Ar EfOVN EfOVNCornerstone iU VN VNComerltonCornerstone of the tb cimedy ed1 In h1 W Weit WeitFortyflmt fit fitFortnnt il ilFortynrttFortynrtt Street Ii lld lldLee I 1idLee Id IdLeeLee Shubert and Lew Fields FI laid th thcornei the thecomeilltone thecorneiStonocornei comeilltone stono yeat yesterday rday morning of tile ttwnew tilenew timenewnew Shuhert Comedy ComedyTheatre Theatre at ICflWesI ICflWesIFortyfirst 103 tO West Welltloortyfinrt WestFortytirvtFortyfirst street In the copper box In n the theBtono thetone thestonetone were lIre p Paced acod copies of the New York Yorkdally Yorkdally Yorkdailydally papers two twenty dollar gold goldpieces goldpieces goldpiscespieces u letter from Mr Shubert and one onofrom onefro onefromfrom fro l Charles F Force 19 Wall street streethead IItreethed streetheaIhead of Charles E Forco k Co tho builders builderff the theatre and a letter originally originallyplaced originallyplaood originaflyplacedplaced In the building in 1S 1OO 0 when won the thestructure thoIItrueturo thisstructurestructure was first created as St Luket LuketMjjthodlst LukesIfflthodl8t LukuMethodistMjjthodlst Methodist Episcopal EIJ 8Copa Church ChurchTho ChurchfThefThe The new theatre under the management managemflntof mnna ment ment8atJ1of 9t Sam S A Lc Lee Shubert Inc will open openinin the early autumn It will be one of olthe ofthe ofthethe smallest of tho important theatres theatresinin this city with a 1 Beating of only B3 38 per persons ptJr80llS perSons sons and will be reserved for comedy comedyand comedyand cornedandand email dramatic presentation Wal Walter Walter Watar ter N Lawrence will act as the business buslneumanager bualneumanager businessmanagermanager of the theatre The now thentn thentnmake theltmakeq theatrinakeemake the fifteenth In the city to be con controlled controlled controlled trolled wholly or in part by the t ShubortaBOSTON Shuborta ShuberteBOSTON ShubertsBOSTONBOSTON OPERA ILAXS ILAXSNew JL4N5FewINew Playhouse Will De Oedlc Dtdltatfd trd on onNovember onNovtmbu enNovemberNovember SSonic omo of the Singer SingerBOSTON Sln SingersBostoN ers ersBOSTOBOSTON Aug 24 2Henry Henry Russell di director dlreotor director rector of the Boston Opera OPcratodny today made nwdthe madeth madethethe th first announcement of the company companjthat companythat companythatthat he hka gathered thus far for th thnew the tbenew thenownew theatre and of his present plM nt planefor plane p1ansfor plansforfor the th opening performance at the thehouse thehoule thehousehouse houseThe houlefhe houseTheThe most notable item in the list of th thcompany the thecompany thecompanycompany is the th name of Mr Constantino Constantinothethe tenor He has rejoined the companyfor two years Mine Nordica Is likewise likewisea IIkewlaa member of it and the roster in detail detailIndicates detaltIndicates detailIndicatesIndicates a promising sufficiency of prao practised praotlsed tised and established singers as well as nsof asof asofof beginners beginnersTheThe opening of the house ia appointed appointedJor IJor Monday Mon day evening November R when whenthere whenthere whentherethere will ha h dedicator exercises and a aperformance aperfonnanoo aperformance iperformance of Ponchlellls La Go Gocomla Glooontln Gb Gbcoedscoeds with Mme Nordica and Mr Con Constantino Conlltantlno ContaflLino stantino in the prinoipaUparts prinoipaUpartsSomeSome of the singers secured are So Sogranon Sopranos Soprenospranos and mezzo sopranos Mmes MmeaueninscKna lImllBueniD5fgna Mmesliueniosegnagranon ueninscKna Claessnns Dereyne Le Lewicka Iewicka Lowickawicka Makarof and Nordica tenors tenorsDAleaMndro tenomDAlee tenorsDAleepandroDAleaMndro DAlee andro Balestrinl Constantino ConstantinoOiaccone ConstantinoGlaccone ConabantlnoGiacconeOiaccone Hansen Kubltzky Oggero OggeroStroesco Oggero8troosco OggeroStroescoStroesco and Vanni barytones Blancnart BlancnartBoulogne BlanchartBoulogne BlanctiartBoulogneBoulogne Fornarl Pulcini and Sar Sarmiento Sarmiento Sarmientomiento bassos Archambault and Nlvotto NlvottoTO NlvetteDllEA NivetteDREAMLANDDllEA DREAMLAND ILtND TO OFE OPEN MAY 41 35 35Many 15IUan 13ManyIUan Many New Things Thin PromUwl Prom TV1 When > n th thPark thlPark the thePailtPark 1 II nrady for the Summer HummrrThe MummuThe SummerTheThe season at Dreamland will open openSaturday openSaturday openSaturdaySaturday May 15 In the last four months monthsunder monthsunder monthsunderunder the direction of the general man manager manager manager ager Ramuel W Gumpertz workmen workmenhave workmenhave workmenhavehave made m do many changes One of the thenotable thenotable thenotablenotable improvements is in the ballroom ballroomwhich ballroomwhichwhich ha dancing floor space for 1500 1500couples 1600coup1f8 1fMOcouplescouples Where the pony track was waslocated waslocated a a10fatedlocated has been constructed cO Sln1ctoo a pictur picturesque ploturClque piotureque I Itableesque wintana 11 i tal t walk with setter and andtables andtablestables This surrounds the lagoon IaJ oon over overthecentre overthetcentre Ithecentre of which is I the big circus ring ringwhere ringwhere ringwherewhere a free performance will be givenA given givenAA new scenic railway constructed as a aracing 1 1racing aracingracing course between boats has been beenbuilt beenbuilt beenbuiltbuilt out over the pier and ocean Bee Bostocks Bjtock Beetackstocks animals are arriving daily and R Rnumber Rnumber anumbernumber of new acts arc being put on the themammoth theIn themammothmammoth In am moth performing cage cageTHE engeTIll cageTIlETHE 11 II 1OOIt SALE ElS ElSTotal EVSTotul ENISTotalTotal for the Auction of the th houSe nou e Far FarnlllllnES Furnlstilngs ar arI1lnlllllnES I1l The auction of the art furnishings furniBhingsl1nddlCOratlonl and anddecorations anddecorationsdecorations of the Henry W Poor home homeonon Gramercy Park closed clo ed yesterday yesterdayevening yest yesthrdayeveningwith rday rdayevoningevening eveningwith with total proceeds of 17114550 S171I45SOThe 17114550The 17114550TimeThe proceeds of yesterday afternoons afternoonscession afternoonssl85ion aftern9ons aftern9onssessioncession of the auction auctionwere were S7075950 1707595OSlr 1707595OSlrKirby Mr MrKirby MrKirbyKirby after leading the interested pro procession procession procession cession of purchasers through the house houseand hOUlleand houseandand selling the greater part of the cata catalogue entalogue catalogmie logue lots apportioned to the afternoon afternoonleft fternoonleftleft the outdoor or garden rdn objects to tobs tobe tobebe knocked down by hi his assistant I Otto OttoBurnet OttoBurnet OttoBurnetBurnet BurnetThe BurnetThe BurnetTheThe Metropolitan Museum of Art was wastho WIl8tho wasthetho purchaser purch1 er of the twelfth century centul mar marbidbid 11 Tabernacle Ta > rnacle of San Stefano which whichutood whichslood whichstoodstood for age near Fiano Italy The Theprice Theprice Thejriceprice was 7100 Mrs frs Samuel Unter Untermyer Untermyer Tintermnyermyer bought the th handsome drawing drawingroomroom ceiling 220 for 4100 The six sixteenth slxtOltlth alateauth teenth century Flemish tapestry 583 583sold S83sold 83 83soletsold for 5600 A pair of ball tables 5 5sold 5sold 5soldsold at 1280 a carved stone mantel mantelofthe of oftho ofthotho Italian Renaissance 16 at tl100 tl100tho ItOOthe 1100thethe wall panelling of the Louis XVI XVIIieriod XVIIeriod XVIPerioiIieriod Ieriod 58 at the same figure the ancient ancienttalian ancienttallan ancientitalianitalian carved atone mantel mant 1 85 to toGeorge tojeorge toieorgeGeorge McKe McKesson son Brown at 1200 four fourItalian fourImliau fourItalianItalian carved stone columns 92 to Mrs MrsJJ J Astor at 1600 600 a marble wall font120 to Mrs Henry Clews at SI275 1275 two twoCippolino twoClppollno twoIppohinoCippolino columns 121 at 150 an an antique antique antique tique marble mantel 131 13fl at 3250 a acelling aceiling aceilingceiling from an ancient Umbrian Umbrianpalaco Umbrianpalacowhich palace palacewhich palacewhichwhich Mr Ir Poor had used used in his hall 132 133for 132for 132forfor 2000 to Mrs Irs Untermyer a rarely rarelybeautiful rarelybeautiful rarelybeautifulbeautiful sideboard of French walnut walnutcacved walnutcavedcaved 741 41 at St025andlthe l025 andlthe stone man mantel mantel mantel tel 346 at 1500 tSoowlth with this last going goingthe goingthe goingthethe wrought iron andirons 347 for an another another another other 100 100IUXNER tOOIJINNER 100DINNERDINNER AT THE THEWIJITE WHITE HOUSE HOUSETheThe President and Mr Taft Entertain a aCompany aCompany aCompanyCompany Of f Thlrtjtwo ThlrtjtwoWASHINGTON T ThirtytwoWAShINGToN lrttwo lrttwoWA811INOrONWASHINGTON April 24 24The The President PresidentindMra Presidentandlrs PresidentandMrsindMra Taft entertained at dinner this thisevening thisevening thiseveningevening Covers were laid for fo thirtytwo thirtytwoTheThe table decorations were wern bridesmaid bridesmaidrose I IroIeHrose Mrs Taft wore a white satin gown gownrho gownThe gownTheThe guest were Mr Justice Ju llce and Mrs Mrariurlan lUr8Har1an MrsHarlanriurlan the Secretary of Agriculture and andIina andli88 andiiesIina Wilson the Secretary Scrtary of Commerce Commerceind Cmmeroe Cmmeroeandand Labor Nagel Senator Daniel Sen 8enitor Senator Senatorator Dilllngham Dilngham Senator Sentor and Mrs Bailey BaileySenator BaileySenater Iey Iey8entrSenator 8entr Foster FOBtel Senator James P Clarke ClarkeSenator ClarkeSentr ClarkeSenatorSentr Senator and Mrs Ir Flint Flnt Senator Snator and nd Mrs Mrsiaylor MrsTaylor MrsTaylorTaylor Senator Sentr and Mrs Cummins Cmmil Hen Henitor fen fenator senatorator Bristow Representative Rprentatve and ad Mrs MraWilliam MrlWiiam MrsWilliamWilliam A Jones JonO Hopre Rprelnttive Jtopreaentative ontative and Mrs MrsRR Wiiam Wayne Parker Representative Rpreenttive M E EOlmsted EOmte EOlmatedOlmsted Representative Repreeentatve and Mrs Michael MichaelEOmte E 3 Driscoll Drisol Representative Reprenttve and Mrs J V VV VV VVV Olcott Representative Rprntatve John M More Morelead Mor MoreheadhEad Olt Benito Benio Lagarda Llard Philippine Phippine dele delegate delegat dolegate gat gate In Congress Congrel and LleutenantCom LieutenantCornmander LleutenantComuandermander L C Palmer PalmerFrom PalmerWlrrlfl PalmorWirelessWlrrlfl Wireless From Japanese Training Talnlns Squad Squadron Smuadron uad uadron ron ronLos ronLR ronLosLos LR ANOELKS Cl Cal al April 24 24A A wireless wirelessdespatch wlrele8 wirelessdespatchdespath despatch from the cruiser crll Azo A at sea neasays I seaiayssays that the Japanese training squadron squadronconsisting luan luanconsistng squadronconsistingAYs consistng consisting of the cruisers crisers Azo and ad Soya Soyain SoyaInin command of Admiral Adiral Ijichl will wi arrive arriveit arriveatat San Pedro tomorrow tomorow morning morningAngloAmerican moringAngloAmerican morningAngloAmericanAngloAmerican AngloAmericanFineFine Art Co CoJJ D Ichenhauser Ihenh lchenh user President Prtident523 Ffth Avenue AvenueBtttottnBtttottn lt 43d 3 U PAINTINGS PAINTINGSbyby byOld byOldOld Masters Mastersofof 0 the e Early Italian Itlin Flemish Flemih Spanish SpanfahDutch Spanih SpanishDutchDutch German Oeran and a English Enzllh Schools SchoolsCallfrits Shol SchoolsGdllrissCallfrits Galtris Opin 9 ee AM A 4 M6 6 oc P PM PMINSPJ3CTWN M MINSPECTION MINSPECTIONINSPECTION INVITED INVITEDJ5auL> JFBSSWTHEDAR PUSS F IITHU 1 TBiti ARCQNGSS ARCQNGSSEZECTION RCOKG CONGRESS CONGRESSELECTION SS SSeaCTIONELECTION OF TWO NATIONAL NATIONALOFFICERS NTIONLOFFWERS NATIONALOFFICERSOFFICERS CONTESTED CONTESTEDRecount CONTBSTEDRecuntI IHecountRecount Recunt for nroordlna Secretary Heerltay Re noalt ReIDtlin ResuitsIDtlin suits alt In the Election Eeton of SI Miss lls Us Wilcox leo of otTenneat ofenne ofTennesseeReballotlngTenneat TennesseeReballotlng enne Reballotlns RlbaIOtln5 Also for Cor Corypondtas Corn ork ypondtas n pqits5 d Secretary SeretarySmal ecretarySiusll ecretarySiusllWASRINOTON Small Vote VoteWASHINOTON ute uteWSRINOTNWASHINOTON WSRINOTN April 24 With the thestrength theetrength thestrength Istrength of the th D A R R congress con reduced reducedfrom rucd rucdfrgm reducedfromfrom 1400 delegates to 885 the lost Jt detail detailof detaiof this years yers troubleaoMe tublMor16 election electon was wascompleted wa wascompletedcompleted cmplete tonight tnliht with 1t a a reballoting reballotingfor reblotng reblotngforfor the office ofoo of orcorrpondlng corresponding secretary secretarygeneral secretaryIneral secretarygeneralgeneral Ineral and Mrs 1rs Mabel Mabl O Sworrnstedt Sworrnstedtof SwonBtedt SwonBtedtofof Washington Washingtn was wa elected receiving rclylng183 18 votes against againt 181 coat Ct for Mrs Elinor ElinorI Elnor ElnorII Thome of Seattle Bette and ad this thi city ciy the thoInsurgent theInurgnt theInsurgentInsurgent Inurgnt candidate cdldte The tired tr dele delegates delept delegates gates pt had bd hoped hop to conclude concude the session sessionbefore se sessionbefore slon slonbeforebefore noon non today tdy and many may of them themhad themba thembadhad ba arranged aran god to leave Washington to tonight tonight tonight night For or that reason there was wa a small smallvote smal smallvotevotevoteAfter After Afer a long discussion dlu8Ion in which a amoat 1 amoetmoat mot acrimonious spirit was WI shown and nndafter andaftr andafterafter aftr the thirty tellers telers had gone over overtheir overteIr overtheirtheir teIr work again Mlaa M Mary Mr L Wilcox Wilcx of olTennessee ofTennessee ITennessee Teeso insurgent was 11 officially ofcialy de dectyred de dectredctyred clr ctred elected eleted recording rering secretary meretry of olthe ofte ofthethe te D A R The last lst days dys session sessionwa Iion Iionwu sessionwaswa wu a long hard h pull puoontrry contrary to the thehopes thehop thehopeshopes hop of Mrs lr McLean McLan the president presidentgeneral pre presidentgeeeral ldent ldentCOeralgeneral who told the Daughters that th it itwoa itwe18 we woa her wedding wodidg anniversary anniverry and she shewanted ahewated shewantedwanted wated to go 1 home early ry r1y So S earnest earnestwas ernet ernetWAwas WA the discussion dillcuslon that it ttppenred 4ppMre that thatan thata thatanan a extra extr day would havVto ha hav t to be added adde for forreballoting forrblotng forrebahlotingreballoting rblotng for the office ofce of recording recordingsecretarygeneral reording reordingseretrygeneral recordingsecretarygeneralsecretarygeneral seretrygeneral AH A It happened bappne the theDaughters theDaughtersDaughters Daugbter met at 330 33 in the afternoon afternoonto afernoon afternoonboastto t boast cost et votes votO for the office ofce which was wasleft ws wasleft Ileft lft unfilled unfle after Thursdays Thursays voting votng but butthere butre buttherethere much to be said andre was so sid so many manyspeeches manyllphc manyspeechesspeeches llphc made in regard riud to t the way the thevoting thevotng thevotingvoting votng should be done that it was nearly nerlyI9 oclock ocock before the first lIrt vote was cast castIt CMtI castItIt I had hd been ben the intention intenton of the dele delegates d delegates le lecat gates cat to get together and have hve a regular regulartea rEgularttea t party pty of a session 80ion in which whic roses roM and andoft ad ad10ft andoft10ft oft speeches spohe prevailed prevale They meant meantto ment menttto t pass p8 a few resolutions rOolution invite each eachother ech echoter eachotherother oter to teas t and things tklng and then thenoby say saygoodby saygoodbygoodby the 0 direction dlrton of the large lrge New York dele delegation dolegationa i icatonagation catona gationa a war cloud coud which darkened the thewhole thewhole thewholewhole auditoi auditorium Him for a good part prt of the theday theday thedayday From its interior interor came the thunder thunderofof dissent di8ent and argument argu1ent and for a time timeit tme tmeitit seemed that the lightning might strike strikeMr strikelB strilcotrsIme llhtnlng mihtMr lB trs Scott the newly elected elet president presidentgeneral preidentgeeral presidentgeneralgeeral general pf the D A R for a rumor was wasin wasi wasinin i circulation crculaton among several sevrl of the na national natonal national contested contestedIt tional tonal oRicers olcre that tht her election eleton was to be beQontte becontested bocontestedQontteIt I all al came cme about because the th chairman chairmanofof tellers tllem Mrs lre Elroy Avery of Cleveland Clevelandadministration ClevElandamlniration Clevelandadministrationadministration amlniration follower folower announced announcd last lastnight lat latnight lastnightnight that tt there tere was no decision deciion in the case caseof Ce Ceof caseofof Miss Mi Wilcox Wicox and Mrs Irs H C Hod Hodgins gins of ofWashington ofWuhlngn ofWashingtonWashington D C and ad this thl morning morningannounced morningannounC morningannouncedannounced announC Wuhlngn that Miss Mi Wilcox Wicox had hd boon boonelected heenelected beenelectedelected by a majority mjority of one vote getting gottingus435 to Mrs I Hodginsb H gmsb 434 Mrs M John JohnFrancis JohnFcis JohnFrancisFrancis Fcis Yawger of New Yorkwho had hadbeen hadbn hadbeenbeen bn one of the te thirty tirty tellers teler who had hadcounted hd hdcunte hadcountedcounted cunte votes vot all al of Thursday Thurday night nightarose nightare nightarosearose are after aftr the t6 announcement and made a avery aver averyvery ver decided deide objection objecton to the to announce announcement announc announcemont ment not because buso it heralded herlde Miss l11 Wil Wilcoxs WI Wilcox coxs cox a election eleion but because bU there was 11 some somediscrepancy somedicrep somediscrepancydiscrepancy dicrep between betwen the report rpor she had hadsignet hd hdsiged hadsignedsignet siged with other oter tellers telers and the announce announcement announooment announceinent ment made mde to the te congress congressThe congressThe IThe Te fuss fu all al turned confrO upon upn scattering scatteringvotes scttring scttringvotevotes vote and the te fact that tat 869 81 votes had been beencast bn bnct beencastcast ct and that tt Miss Mi Wilcox Wicox had received recivld435 43 of them Some Sme of the delegates delegatesthought delegltls delegltlsthought delegatesthoughtthought she should have had more and andthere andtere andtherethere tere was wo confusion piled pied upon upn confusion confusionhi conuion conuionIhi I which the biggest biggst gavel el in the te world worldwould worldwould worldwouldwould have hve been bn useless usll The Daughters Daughtersdid Dlughwrs Dlughwrsdiddid not hesitate beslttt to express themselves themselveswithout twmtehes twmteheswithout themselveswithoutwithout waiting waitng for the te eXJls Chair Cair to recognize recognizethem rclnlz recognizethemthem tem in times tmps of great grt stress stressOut IItla stressOutOut of the confusion there were fhouted fhoutedquestions Ihoutec ehoutedquestionsquestions qUetiot which indicated Indicatd that tlat tho ques questioners que questionero tioners toners believed bleved that there had been en funnybusiness buslnl in I the tellers tlers room rm This hl being beingdisposed beingdl beingdisposeddisposed dl of there ter were accusations nccustons that thatthe tt ttthe thatthethe tellers telers were wer short fhort in the knowledge knowledgeof knowLdlo knowLdloofof how to count and several of the Daugh Daughters Daughtem Daughters ters got up and explained just how two twoand twoand twoandand two make three thr but they were over overcome overcome overcome come with a sense BMe of their own short shortcomings ehortcomings shortcomings comings in the the mathematical matematcal line and andburst andburet andburstburst into laughter before they had hadreached hadrche hadreachedreached rche the conclusion conclusionFinally cnclusion cnclusionFinally conclusionFinallyFinally somebody lIomebOy pot pot in a resolution resolutionedgewise rfoluton rfolutonogewlse resolutionedgewiseedgewise ogewlse that the tellers telers should all al go goupstairs IO IOuptirs goupstairsupstairs uptirs and lock lok themselves in the theboard thobord timeboardboard bord room and find fnd out exactly what had hadhappened hadhappened hadhappenedhappened in the WilcoxHougins Wlcoxlodgins vote voteThere votoThere voteThereThere were those who believed boleve that a re recount recount i icountcount might mean a reballoting rebalotng and on onthe onthe onthethe principle mllht of let well wel enough alone alonecried alonecrie alonecriedcried crie prlnCple out rNo rNoMrn No Nolr NoMrsMrs lr McLean McL asked them to allow alow her herthe herthe herthethe courtesy courey of asking for a vote and andafter andater andafterafter ater it was WI taken the tellers telers were weroeent weroeentout sent sentout sentoutout to make up a new report repor They made madeanan angry anlry group of tellers telers as ti they ascended ascendedthe a the te marble mrble stairway strway to the board boar room roomand roomand rectaandand had ha much muc to say 1 about abut the people peoplethat peoplethat peoplethatthat made mae them do their work all al over overagain overa overaninagain a in For an hour and a half hal they sat satwith satwih satwithwith wih head hes together togher and finally fnaly came to toan toan toanan opinion opinon I It was wa somewhat different differentfrom dllerent dllerentfrom dIfferentfromfrom the opinion they the had ha reached rehed last lastnight lat latnight lastnightnight but the main man fact fat remained reman un unchanged unchange Unchanged changed change and Miss Ma Wilcox Wicox is now re recording recording rimcording cording secretory seret of tho D A R RWhen RWhen BWhenWhen it came ce time to vote for a 1 corres corresponding crre correspending ponding secretarygeneral Boretarygneml again ain there was wasaa bombshell bmbhel tossed t0ed into the congress congre by bythe bythe b bthethe announcement that the chief clerk clerkhad clerkhad clerhadhad given j Iven away all a the regents regent and ad dele delegate dele delegates gate gate badges baO which whch she had left lef and con consequently oonseuently consequently sequently seuently there might be people pple on the thefloor thefoor thefloorfloor foor who had ha no right rght to vote More Moreconfusion Moreconsion Moreconfusionconfusion More talk talkDuring talkDuringconsion tk tkDuringDuring the te conversation convertoQ which filled filledthe file fIlledthethe Hall Hal Airs Elroy Eroy Avery Ar explained explaned the thereason therOon thereasonreason rOon for holding holdng a reballoting rebaJlotnR It was wasbecause WI8bu8e wasbecausebecause bu8e neither neiter candidate cdidte had ha received receiveda reeived reeivedaa a majority of the votes vote cast ct for the rest restof re3tof restofof the ticket tcket but she added ade the sugges suggestion Buggeston euggestion tion that inasmuch as Mrs Mabe Mabl a aSworoastedt OBwoJtedt 0Sworstedtton Sworoastedt BwoJtedt of Washington Wahlngtm had ba received receiveda reived reivedaa few rf more vote vot than Mrs Elinor Einor I IThome 1 IThorneThome Torne of Tennessee Tenne the office ofce be given givento giventt to Mrs M Swormstedt Bwormstt There was WI almost almostan almct almctanan uprising at this thll suggestion Mrs MrsMcLean 1re 1reMcLan MrsMcLeanMcLan McLean put an end ex4to to the discussion dlsu slon by byruling byrlng byrulingrlng ruling that there en would have to be another anotherballoting anotherblotl anotherballoting iballoting ballotingTO blotl fg fgTOTO MAKE AKE STUDENTS MI PUColubia P11Columbia MIColumbiaColumbia Colubia May Withhold Wihold Decrees Decree If I Sub Subscriptions SU Subacriptlona I IIcript01scriptions Icript01 Are Not Made Good GoodAn Goo GoodAnAn A unexpected step was taken tken yester yesterday yeaterdy yesterday day dy by b the board brd of student sudent representa representatives ropre enta entatvs tives tvs at Columbia Columbi to t force students Btudent who whohavo whohvo whobavohavo hvo at any time tme in their undergraduate undergraduatecareer undergraduatecarercareer carer pledged pleged themselves themselve to subscribe subscribeto BubrlJto t college colege activities aivltes to make full ful payment paymentbefore paymentbfore paymentbeforebefore bfore they the are graduated Tho board boardheld bord bordheld boardheldheld a a meeting meetig yesterday yestrdy and after afer hear hearing her hering hearlag ing of of3 a numb num r of instances insnces where Btu students Btudents atmidents dents were intending int ing to leave Columbia Columbiawithout Columbiawithout Columbiawithoutwithout paying the pledges in full posset posseta paase4 paase4aa 1 resolution rluton stating stting that tht the name pee of any anystudent any8tudent anystudentstudent who has failed to make fullfaied mae ful pay payment payment paymnent ment shall hal be given to the authorities authoritieswith authorties authortieswithwith a recommendation rcommendation that tht tho students studentsdegree studentsdegree tudentsdegreedegree be withheld until unt the indebtedness indebtednesshas Indebtednes IndebtedneshaRhas been ben removed removedThis removedThis removedThisThis action on the part of the student studentboard studentboard studentboardboard is l unprecedented unpreented although the theuniversity theuniversity theuniversityuniversity itself withholds withhold degrees degree In Incases Inc Incasesc cases where a student is indebted di directly direy directiy rectly to tho university and ad where the themanager themana themanagerrey mana manager er of an athletic athleto team has ha out outstanding outstanmnl outstanding stanmnl standing debts deb which cannot b b be i paid paidBoth pid pidoth paIdBothBoth oth the university registrar regitrar William Wiiam A AHervey AHerve AilerveyHervey Herve and the bursar burar George 8 Daniel Danielsonson are in favor of o the resolution relluton of the thoboard thebar theboardbar board and declare declar that tht it will wi be b enforced enforcedModJeiUai enford enfordIlodJelka enforcedModjeskasModJeiUai IlodJelka Small Estate KatateSANTA FAate FAateSAA EstateSLTASANTA SAA ANA Cat April Apr24lme 24 24Mme Mme Helena HelenaMod HelenaModJekl HelenaModjeskaMod ModJekl Modjeska jeska left let an estate eteoUO cutateof of 5000 according accordingto acording acordingtt to the thewiilwhicb will 1 I which whi lisa b been ben filed 1ed for probateher Four thousand thOJ9nd dollars dola was u left t to toa toIletr tofta elaterlq Iletr sitter Iz Poland FoJd PolandS jS SnSAt1Y11 o the second sond bride bridnwithin brds brdswithin bridewithinwithin a year ayeal in the families famieB of American AmericanAmbassadors AmericanAmbors AmericanAmbassadorsAmbassadors and like Mrs 1t John Herbert HerbertWard HerbertWar HerbertWardWard War Ambors who was Miss l18 Jean Jea Reid eid is I an anonly anonly amonlyonly daughter daughtr The daughter of Gen GenHorace GenHoraceHorace Horc Porter predecessor of Ambas Ambassador Amba Ambaor Ambassador sador or White Wite likewise Ikewile pre080r was married marrie while whilehe whie whiehe whilehehe was wa in France and has since sinc lived lved in inSwitzerland InSwitzerlad inSwitzerlandSwitzerland SwitzerlandThere Switzerlad SwitzerladThere SwitzerlandThom e attended by the Mlves Ules Gertrude GertrudeSheldon GertrudeSheldon GertrudeSheldonSheldon wi Nathalie M Howlatld Howlat Katherine KatherineSteele KatherineStle KatherineSteeleSteele Atterbury Nathaie all of New York and andElla andEla andEllaStle AttrburyElla Williams Buek of Richmond Rehmond and andJulia an andJuliaJulia Juli Ela Wilam8 R Biddlo of Philadelphia Phildelphia Two Twoyoung Twoyoung Twoyoungyoung nieces nioCI Irene Gibson OI > n and Mary MaryPerkins Mar MaryPerkinsPerkins crki R and ad Rachel Phlpps sister Bistr of ofthe ofthe ofthethe bridegroom will lil also be b of the bridal bridalparty brdal brdalprty bridalpartyparty The lion 11 Angus Angll MaoDonnoll 1aoDonnel of ofEngland ofEgd ofEnglandlonTeEngland prty will wi assist as best bst man and andAlexander andAlexander andAlexanderAlexander Egd Butler Untlr Duncan Duncn uncle of the thebridegroom thebrdelrm thebridegroombridegroom William Wilam Langhorno brother brotherofof brdelrm the bride brde her brothersinlaw broterinlaw Llome Charles CharletDana Charlel CharlesDanaDana Gibson and Reginald Brooks will willbe wi willbebe ushers usher Afterward Aferard Mr 1r and Mrs MrsCharles MrsCharlell MrsCharlesCharles Dana Daa Gibson will wi give jive a reception receptionntat street streetA their home 127 East Eo t Seventythird Seventythirdstreet Sventythird SventythirdstreetA notable nCtable out of town wedding on for forTuesday forTtdy forTetednyTuesday Ttdy will wi bo b that of Miss Mia Annabel AnnabelFauntleroy AnnabelFauntleroy AnnabelFauntieroyFauntleroy McQlll Mci and nd Alfred Alred M l Gaw Gawthrop Gawthropthrop tp Jr of Wilmington Wimigton Del The Theceremony TheCrmony Theceremonyceremony Crmony will 1 he h performed at 12 oclock oclockinin St Jamess Jamles Protestant Episcopal EpiscopalChurch EpiscpalChuroh EpiscopalChurchChurch Leesburg Va by the Rev Dr DrHurllngham DrBurlngham DrliurlinghamHurllngham Burlngham LlBburg Burkhnrdt Burkhart The bride will willenter wi willenterenter with her brother Capt J 1 Fauntle Fauntleroy aunte aunteroyroy McGill Mci U S M C who will wiglve give her herin herin herinin marriage mrriagt She will wi wear wer a white satin satinDirectoire stn stnDirectiregown satinDireetoireDirectoire Directiregown gown with with lace with tulle tule veil veilcaught voi veilcaughtcaught with awreath of orange orangeblosoms orangeblosomsMiss blossoms blossomsMiss blossomsMissMiss Llna Shields awreath the maid of honor will willwear wi wiltwearwear wor a costume Ctume of pink batiste btst and will willcarry wi willcarrycarry Killarney roses ross The bridesmaids bridesmaidswill bridemaids bridemaidswimr will wi be Hiarney similarly simiarly attired a rcd in white and will willcarry wi willcarrycarry pink roses They will wi be the Misses MissesPolly li8S li8SPoly MissesPollyPolly Poly Mason 1ason and Mary Mar King Nash NashCharles NashCharles NashCharlesCharles Gawthrop Olwthrp will wi assist Rsist as best be t man manand manand manandand Henry Oawthrop Reuben Satterth Satterthwaite Sterth Sterthwait Satterthwaitewaite wait Archibald Archlld Capell Cpl and Ralph Rlph Bailey Baileyall Baiey Baieyallall ot Wilmington Wimington will wi be b ushers ushersWomen ushersWomlln ushersWomenWomen will wi be h admitted adrittd tomorrow tomorrowandand Tuesday Tue8dy afternoons afernons at tho closing closingexhibition closingfxhibiton closingexhibitionexhibition fxhibiton of the season se on of American Americanpaintings AmericanI AmericanpaintingsI paintings pitng at the Lotos It Club ClubMr ClubMr ClubMrMr and Mrs Mt Edson Bradley came on onfrom on onfrom onfromfrom Washington ushngton in their motor car late latelast Ilte Iltehlst latelastlast week They hey wiinive winiye at thoir place placein placin Tuxedo Park until unti Saturday May 22 22when 22when 22whenwhen thoy will wi sail Bl for Europe accom accompanied accm accmpnie accomimanied panied pnie by their soninlaw BninIaw and daughter daughterthe daughtr daughtrthethe Rev and Mrs Herbert Shipman ShipmanMiss Shipman1i8Miss 1i8 Margaret Rutherfurd daughter daughterofof Mrs Ir William Wiiam K Vanderbilt Vanderbit who will willbe wi willbebe b presented hero next winter and Miss MissLucy MiMLucy MissLucyLucy Buckler will wi bo b bridesmaids brd0maids at the thewedding theweddn theweddingwedding weddn of Miss S Muriel White and Count CountHermann CountHenann CountHermannHermann Henann ScherrThoes herTh0 to tako place placeon plaeonon Thursday in Paris Miss Rutherfurd Rutherfurdis Rutherfud RutherfudIsis a a cousin of the bride and Miss IB8 Buckler Bucklerisis a daughter du lter of Ambassador AmbsJsador Henry HenryWhites Henr henryVhitesWhites stepbrother William Wilam H Buck Buckler BucklieI Sticklee lieI lee secretary sreta of the American Legation Legationat LePation LePationat Le ation ationatat Madrid A bridal breakfast brekflt will wil be begiven b begivenMnrdgiven by Ambassador Amhalador and Mrs Irs White Whiteafter Wbie Wbieafter Whiteafterafter the ie ceremony The Count Cunt will willtake wi willtaketake his bride to Breslau where he is ala stationed st alationed tioned tored at prent present and they will wi pass ass part partofof their honeymoon at one of his country countryseats countryoats countryseatsseats in Silesia SilesiaThere 8101 8101There SilesiaThereThere will wi bo a number of Xr Now O w York Yorkguests Yorkgtt Yorkguestsguests gtt > at the garden party to bo given givenby givfnhy givenIyby Mrs Irs Levi Z loiter L ilr next Tuesday at ather ather atherher homo 10me in Woshingtorf WoshingtorfMrs Wlhingto WlhingtoItMrs It Frederick Freerick W Whitridgo 11lridge will wi sail enllon sai sailonon Wednesday for Europe Europ accompanied accompaniedbyby her daughters the Misses l8e Eleanor EleanorWhltridge Eenor EenorWhtridge EleanorWhitridgeWhltridge Whtridge und Ind Joan Whitridge Whit ridge They Theywill Thywi Theywillwill wi travel on the Continent Contnent until unti June Junewhen Junewhon Junewhenwhen they tlt will wi go to England They Theywill Theywi lheywillwill remain remai on the other bide as I usual usualuntil u8ualunti usualuntilwi until October Mr Ir Whitridgo Whit ridge and his hisson hIslion hissonuntison Arnold Whitridge will wi join thejn thejnat thl m matat their country place placeThe plnceThe placeTheThe marriage r1rriago of Miss Elsio W I Lazarus I7rulland Lazarusand and Henry Henr Root Stern Ster son of the late lateSimon lateSimon lateSimonSimon Stern will wi take place on Thursday ThursdayApril ThumdayApri ThursdayAprilApril 29 2 atthe atth6reidence atdtheresidonce residence of the brides bridessister bridesBi bridessistersister Apri Bi ter Mrs Irs Charles Charlc P lowland 10wland 13 West WestEleventh Wct WctEleventh VeetEleventhEleventh street Walter T Stern will willassist wi willassistIsit assist hiq hil hi brother us II l bt t man There Therewill Therewill fherewiwill be no bridesmaids hrdlmaid or ushers Ishll8 The Thebridegroom Thebridegroom Thebridegroomwi bridegroom is of the Lw firm frm of Rush Rushmore Uushmore Rushmoremore Bixby Bxby A Stern SternMr Ster SterMr SternMrMr and Mrs MI Francis Francs Drnz of 123 12 East EastSeventysecond Eit EitSventysend EastSeventysecondSventysend Seventysecond street strot and their daughter daughterMiss dughtr thuhterMissMiss 11 Emily Emiy Draz were among those who whosailed whoied whosailedsailed ied for Europe yesterday ye terday Thoy ex expect expect cxpoet pect to land at Cherbourg to go o on to toto toto tototo Paris and Rheims to visit southern southernFrance eoutherl southerFranceFrance Spain S ln Germany Austria nna nnaEngland ant an anEnglandEngland and to o return in July JulyLloyd JulyIloyd JulyLloydLloyd Lewis Lwis son lon of the late lte Thomas ThomasS ThomaS Lewis Lwis of New York and Miss 1is8 Anna AnnaStokes AnnaSwke AnnaStokesSwke Stokes Ballard Iar will wi be married marrie early in inOctober inOctobr inOctoberOctobr October at Ocean Grove N J The bride brideis brideisis the only child chid of the Rev Dr Oliver Olvor E EBallard EBlard EBallardBlard Ballard ony founder and president of the theOcean theOO theOceanOO Ocean Grove Association Associton He will wi perform per perform perform form the ceremony and the thl bride will wi be begiven begiven begivengiven In marriage by her godfather Gov GovFort Govjort Oovortjort Fort ort of New Jersey with whom she will willenter wi willenterentr enter An elaborate Ilahorte bridal hrldl breakfast breakfastwill breakfastwiwi will follow folow probably at the Arlington ArlingtonMr Arlngton Arlngton1rMr 1r and Mrs William Wiim D Sloane are now nowtouring nowtouring nowtouringtouring in their automobile automobie in Franco FrancoMrMr and Mrs Mr H MoK Twombly plan to tobe t tobebe at Newport Newprt by July They gave rave a adinner adinner adinnerdinner on Thursday night at the St Regis RegisMr RegisMr RegisMrMr and Mrs Harry Harr Payne Whitney Whiney will willleave wi willleaveleave leave for Euoope Euope on Tuesday May 4 4No 0 4NoNo formal forml invitations invittis have boon bn sent sentout set setout sent0Lout out for the wedding wedng of Mrs May Clark ClarkAvery ClarkAvery ClarkAveryAvery widow wldowof of Frank Irk Harris Avery Averyand Averyand Averyandand James Jame H Kidder to take tke place pla on onWednesday onWedmly onWednesdayWedmly Wednesday afternoon afteroon in the chantry chantr of ofGrace ofGmce ofGraceGrace Church As many as 1 fifty fty relatives relativesand rltive relativesandand intimate Intmte friends are expected to be bepresent beprent bepresentpresent at the ceremony to be performed performedby pefoned pefonedbyby the Rev ov Dr William Wiim Reed Ro Huntington Huntingtonthethe thl rector and Bishop D9hop Burgess Burgcl There Therewill Ther Therewillwill wl be no bridesmaids bridemaid Mr Kidder will willbo wi willbebe assisted Mlst by James Jate Parririh Par h Lee L as best bestman bot botman bestmanman Afterward Atrardthere there will wi be an informal informalreceptiau Informl InformlreptC informalreceptienreceptiau reptC at the Plaza Plz The couple who whowill whowi whowillwi will mu mace e their home hero will wi puns pa the thesummer thesummer thesummersummer at a nearby neart country countr place placeThe placeTba placeTheThe marriage marlape of Miss MI Marcelino Marcelno R RDunning RDnnIng BDunningDunning DnnIng daughter dughter of the late lte William Wilam F FDunning F FDtnning FDunningDunning Dtnning to Frank Brookfield Brookfeld will wi take takeplace takeplac takeplaceplace plac on Wednesday Wene day in the Brick Presby Presbyterian Prb Preebterlan terian tern Church Churh Mr 11 Brookfleld will wi willassisted be beassisted bt assisted ted by his cousin C Cortlondt Cortadt Hay Hayas Hayalal as Brookfield BrookfloldThe bent bOt man Ho le Is a son of Mrs William WilliamBrookflold Wiiam WiiamBrookfield WilliamBrookfioldThe marriage mrriage of John Hall Hal Watson Watsonson Watn Watnsnsn son of the late John Hall Hal Watson Watn of this thiscity tht thiscityciy city who has h made hIs hi home in London Londonsince London81nce Londonsincesince his hi divorce from his wife who was wasMies wasMi wasMissMiss Mi Marie Hidden also als of New York Yorkis Yoril is to t be married mrlod on Wednesday Wededay to Miss MissLily MIMLiy MIssLilyLiy Lily I Napier The ceremony will i be beperformed b beperformedperformed in i in the parish church of Pyr Pyrrord Pyrford r rfordford England Engld Only relatives reltV0 and ad a few fewIntimate fewIntmat fewintimateIntmat Intimate friends fredl have been b Invited ivit owing owingto owig owigtto t family famiy bereavements brvomet The Te bride brde is a adaughter adghter adaughterdghter daughter of Charles Cnlo Napier of the Laurels LaurelsPyrford Lurel Lurelrord LaurelsPyrfordPyrford rord Surrey Burr and a Irnddughter Irnddughterof granddaughter granddaughterofof the late lte Lord Lrd Napier of Mogdala MogdalaA Madla MadlaWMhlngA Washington n wedding d Wednesday Wednesdayviii Weeedy Weeedywviii w hZ bo th thi4 > t4M ailaa ZLss Lillian Llin Davis Dav and ad andNIIIIIIIPI1 1ilNIIIIIIIPI I thooo I oughly oughlyvto warm warmthe v but butpure 7 pure sweet and r strong strongthe I beautiful beautifulWelcomed k kandthe heart heartand Welcomed 1 d b chorus h of ofpraise f story Op Optimistic0 0theand uplift upliftthe uplft V e come by y a c orus timistic imiicp in inthethe Baltimore ltlGr soul soulBaltimore soul Sun SunThis I V praise P r a 1 i S e from f fr rom o m every everypart eve e I v e r y yI yThis I of the thebestsensey thebestsenseyV the best term termSt termThis sense senseofThis really reallybeautiful realy part nart of the country countryA I St Louis Democrat Democratblepieceoffiction Olobo vv vvDemocrat t ti tAbeautiful beauuftnd beautifiilandrio and no noble noble ible blepieceoffiction piece of fiction fictionis fction fctionis I A splendid love lovestory loveisonethatseerns jlven given on onWednesday onW onWednesdayWednesday W neey night nj ht at Duryeafl The pat patronesses patronesses patI I ronesses rone are Mrs P Alexander Mrs MrsOeorge MrsGeorge rs rsGGeorge G D flange Dng Mrs MI Victor Vlcti Herbert HerbertMrs HerbertMtK HerbertMisMrs org A Howard Howan Hopping IQpplng Mrs Samuel SamuelKloflitt Smuel Smuel1Uoft SamuelMoffittKloflitt 1Uoft and Mrs Edmund Eund J Palmer PalmerThe PalmerThe PalmerTheThe floor foor committee committ comprises cmpri8sT T Mac MacKenzio Ma MaeKenzioKenzio Alexander O Harold Bangs BangsEdward Dnjs DnjsI BangsEdwardI Edward D Bryde T Hamilton Hliton Burch BurchJrJr Allen Alen Felton Felon BrdE Hopping Harold larold Seely SeelySchultz Sly SlySchult SeelySchultzSchultz Schult Joseph Josph D Sears rs and Carl CarlSpringer CarlSprngr CarlSpringerSpringer SpringerInvitations Sprngr SprngrInviatons SpringerInvitationsInvitations Inviatons have been received receive hero her for forthe forthe forthethe wedding weding of Miss 118 Sally Blly Mallory Malory Bctts Bcttsand Bett Bettaandand ad Dr Merrill Meritt Heminway Merriman to totake totlke totaketake tlke place tomorrow week wek May ay 3 in inGrace InGrace inGraceGrace Church Curch Norwalk Norwalt Conn The couple couplewill couplewiwill wi go abroad abroa for their honeymoon honeymoonandand will wi return retrn the middle of June and andlive andlve andlivelive lve In their new home 43 4 West Seventy Seventyfirat Beventyfltfirst flt street streetCards strt strtCrd streetCardsCards Crd are here her from Philadelphia for forthe forthe forthethe wedding wedlnl of Miss Anna Richmond RichmondTaylor RichmondTarlol RichmondTaylorTaylor Tarlol daughter dughtr of Mr and Mrs J Bon Bonsall Bonsnl BoasaIlsaIl snl Taylor and John RulonMiller RulonMier Jr Jrto JrIto 14 I take plac place in Holy Trinity Church Churchon Churh Churhonon Thurdsay Thury April Apri 29 29ELM1HA 29ELIII 29ELMIRAELMIRA ELIII ALVME MEET MEETGraduates MEETGraultiates fEETGraduatfGraduates Graduatf Told Tol Attain A aln That Tat Girls Glr Should ShouldGoGo to College CollegeAluminn Colece ColeceAlumn CollegeAiummeAluminn Alumn of Elmira Collage Clele gathered gatheredmore Itheromore than thn one hundred strong in the theHotel theHotel theHotelHotel Majestic lIajeto yesterday Ye nty afternoon for fortho folthe forthethe yearly luncheon 1rs Mrs WIIam William R RBross RDrol BBrossDrol Bross president of tho Elmira College College31ub Colele ColeleCluh CollegeClubClub sat at the centre of the long table tableand thle thleand tableandand on either side Ide of her wore Mrs M Kate KateVpson KateUpon KateUpsonVpson Upon Clark Clr the Rev Rv Dr Charles ObrlO E EJefferson EJeer6n EJeffersonJefferson Jeer6n of Broadway Broway Tabernacle Mrs MrsJefferson MrsJerern MrsJeffersonJefferson Jerern MIss lI Mane Manner annrs Mrs MraEmerson MI MrsEmersonEmerson H Iisoum i oum Mrs 11 Samuel Bmuf l M MtCoiper 1 ItTKoipertCoiper Keipr Mrs r Rufus Rufu Q Frost Mrs Edgar EdgarW Edlar EdlarWW v Williams Wiias the clubs vicepresident vicepresidentMrs vloprident vlopridentMrsMrs H H Sloe Bic Mrs 1rs S M 1 B Phraner Phranerthethe wife of a former president of Elmira KlmlraCollege Rlmlra ElmiraCollegeCollege Colel1e Miss MII Clm Clara Simons Mrs Madison MadisonCC Peters Mrs 1re William Wiiam Halsey Hl ey Telford TelfordMrs TelfordMr TelfordMrsMrs Mr Katheryn Worcester Worcter Wrcester V > rceator rcter and andMrs ana anaMrs andMrsMrs Alva Collins CollinsMm CoUIn CollinsMrsMm Mf BrRI Bross in her remarks of greeting greetingsaidI said that tt she wasnt going to t have any anything anything anything thing to say about aout suffragettes BulTragetto but that thatifif woman had hd the name lme opportunities opprtlnite as asman asman asmanman there therawns was no reason relon why she couldnt couldntbebe as capable Dr Jefferson JelTern had a few fewthings fo fewtimingsthings tWng cpble to say aboiit abo t why ho thought thoulht it itwas itwal itwaswas wal worth worthwhie worthwhile while for n woman to go to tocollege tocollejf tocollegecollege collejf She could culd have a better time timethere timethere timetherethere between the ages of 18 l and 22 ho hodeclared liedeclareddeclared delre and moreover moroverit it wart WA the bent bentFort hNtIOrt beetsort IFort IOrt of u place plce for her to form for the right rightkind rightkind Ikind of ideals to fit ft her for anything anyhIng later lateron lter I Ionon in lire lireMrs le leMrs lifeMrsMrs Kate Kt Upaon Clark said sid that tht she had hadbeen hd hadbeen Ibeen bcn reading reaig a lot lately about what for foreigners foreigers forcignermi eigners thought thoult of American Americn girls glrl and andit I IIteigers it mode mne her blood l l0 boll bollThe bol bollTheThe girls that tht those thOe men met must musthave mustbave musthavehave been ben gr1 tho most mot extraordinary extrrinar sort sortof 80rto sort0tof women in the world she declared declaredThey delr declaredTheyo They he are not like lke us they ore not like likeour lke lkeour likeourour friends and they the are not like lke any anygirls ay ayRIrs anygirlsgirls RIrs we ever saw IW or heard hear of except excpt in a acertain acertain acertaincertain type of novpl novplShe novpI noveiSite IShe knew a lot of girls glr1 she Ihe said sid who whothought whothought i ithoughtthought that they ought ough to give up every thing thng in I order that tht they might have a acareer acreer acareorcareer creer If I a girl had a voice voic whichtho pubjlo ought to be permitted penltted to hear horMrs Clarks Clrks advice to her was 111 to start starther starther etartherher career crer before beore she married maried Homes Homeaand Home Homesandand marrIage seemed ome to her about the themost themOllt themostmost important impornt things to think about aboutand aboutandthng tnk nbut nbutadand ad the thought that tht she wanted to t leave leavewith leavowith leavewithwith her hearers hMrer was If I a want woman womn breaks breakstip bres bresupup a I home by tluOpursuit th urult of a career creer iait the right thing tig to do doA doA doArigtA letter lttr of regret was read from frm Dr DIAugustus AUgtus W Cow Colt Cowles rel lea the te re first Or pr presIdent presIdentof aid Id nt ntof t totof the college colego who celebrated ole his JOth 1thrte hbirthday blny in Elmira Elmir yesterday ytry The club otabent olb olblent clubsentsent lent him hi ninety niny roses Iln in honor bI of o the day dy dyf dayPPPPIUPPPPIU ll f Ir Jh 01 J >JOSEPH P McHUGH McHUGH CO coEngls ESTABLISHED 1878 1878English 7 7Eng1islEnglish Engls Wall WallPapers WallPapers French Frenchvelvet Velvet VelvetPaperhanglnge u u2Oc25cOePapers at at20c at20cPaperhanglnge PaperhanglngeContracts20c 2Oc25cOe 2Oc25cOeSampleSooks 25c 25cAsk300 300AskAsk to See fvff 1 1OhintzeaandSample SampleSooks Books y J JGerm vj vjGermanGerman Germ Linens LinensChintzes LinensChintzes Contracts ContractsforChintzes Ohintzeaand and Vii ViiTaffetas Vt Taffetas k f ftoMatchPapers for Deooralriqn DeooralriqnGoodstoMatchPapers toMatchPapersJapanese Goods Sold to toCustomers toJapatieseGrassJapanese JapatieseGrass Grass GrassCloth J Customers Customersk543 Custome1SClothCloth for Walls i k543 Own Decorators Deoor traJ traJ9WI 9 9W W 42d 42dSt St StI Opp Library LibrarySignofth Sign of tha Popular Shop MiIn nI WEIWIva WEIWIvaltlnI8tollobbe l1E1IINSLitlh ltlnI8tollobbe Incst lngstoiuhubbe lngstoiuhubbeHerman on Kolibe KolibeHermanHerman Iprman Ilvlneston Ilvln lon Jr and Miss 1IRS Ol Olll Olga OlgaT a aTT Kobbe daughter daulhter of Mr Ir and Mrs r Fred Frederick Jrcd Jrcderlck Frederick erick Kobbo Kobl of 14 East t Eighteenth Jlghleenth street streetnere strect1ere Streetwerewere 1ere married at 330 oclock jesterday jesterdayafternoon ycsterdaafternoon eslerda eslerdaafernoonafternoon afernoon in the Church of the Heavenly HeavenlyRest HtaveniRest RCt in Fifth iCth avenue The Hev Dr Hu Hugh HughtcCuloulh HughMcCullough h hMcCullousliMcCullousli tcCuloulh Blrckliend BJrckhlad BirckllenlrectorofSteorges BirckllenlrectorofSteorgesEpiscopal rector rlctoroC of St 01011e8 01011e8Jplscopal ieorKes ieorKesEpiscopalEpiscopal Jplscopal Church In Stujvesant Stune ant Square Squareperformed 811uareperformed Squareperformedperformed the ceremony CErmOI hIss 1ss Kobbe Kobbewho Kobbwho KobiMwhowho was given Ive in marriage mnrrillle by b her father fatherwore ratherwore fattierworewore a white satin ROW gown n trimmed Irlnld I n with ith point pointluce pointIlce pointlacelace Ilce and Ind carried orchids and lilies lles or the thovalley theale thevalleyvalley ale The bridesinaldi lrldtllalds wer crfl the lh Miuses MiusesAlice 3llssesAlice 11818 11818AlceAlice Alce K Peters daughter of Mr and Irs MraWilliam MrsWilliani IrsWllmmWilliam Wllmm K Peters rllznbelh FlznbeLh W DocUe DocUedaughter Dodedll 1odgedaughterdaughter dll hler of Mr fr mill nd Mrs Cleveland Cleelflul II IIDodgeClara 1 IIlodgeDodgeClara Dodge Clara livingston Jvln ton Pheosman hecfmnn daugh daughter dnu h htcr ter of Ir and Mrs rs Timothy M 1 Chpesmnn ChpesmnnClarinda Chltlnln ChltlnlnClarlnrl CheesnianClarintlaClarinda Clarlnrl S Bourdmnn Joardman daughter of Mrs MrsLanndale MrsLanadale Irs IrsLnldaleLanndale Lnldale Boardrnan oardran Charlotte C larJol 1 Cirlnnill Cirlnnilldaughter GrilnI irlnnlldaughterdaughter daulhtlr of Mr Ir and Mrs lrl Morgan rtnran GrinncM GrinncMand Grlnnpl Curinneliandand Susan E G Drake Iruk daughter dlulhter of Mr Mrand Mrand Ir Irandand Mrs Benjamin pnjamln Drake Bayard Iruyn Iruynwaswas the bent bt t man and the th ushers ayan were re I IHenryHenry Livingston Ilnlllon Edmund Livingston LIln stonbrothers brol hrl of the bridegroom frldllroom Fieclerick FrectericiWilliam IIderlcKWilliam Wilam Kobbe brotherof the tht th brldeCharlra brldeCharlraV brldCharllV Hopkins Charles tharlls Whlltlesey Whltlse all al of New ew IYork and Edward Brnrkle rckle of Philadelphia PhiladelphiaAfter PhiladelphiaAfter hiadelphla hiadelphlaCerAfter Cer the th ceremony cermon there was wa a reception receptionatat the Hotel Buckingham ucklnlham Mr lr Livingston 1lvlllllonIs the th non lon of Mr Ir and Mrs lrR Herman Ilrman IivliiK IivliiKton Jvlnl Livimigstonston of Oak HillontheUudaon HiontleHud8n N y Vt y1lcDou YMcDou1lcDou McDou alWatts alWattsThe t Matt MattThn s Us UsThfThe Thf marrIage mnrriare of Copt Douglas Dullas c Mc McDougal MeDougal McDougalDougal Imtod States Marine Corps and endHlas andIlsl andMissMiss Ilsl Sabina Wood Watts Watt daughter daughtet of Mm MmOeorg MrsGeorge Ir IrOGeorge O rrl B Wat Watts was W celebrated at 1210 1210oclock 130oclock 1230oclockoclock P M 1 yesterday at the Church of ofthe ofthethe Heavenly Ilavenly Rest Rst Fifth Flft avenue near nearFortyfifth nearForY nearFortyflftliI Fortyfifth ForY rh atreet itreel It was Wa a naval wedding weddingthethe bridegroom wearing wearnr the th full rul dress uni uniform urniform I form of the navy and the ushers usherl In 11 the theuniform th theuniform euniform or the tho navy uav and dU miliiia miitia The Rev BevDr HevDr RevDrDr William Wiim H I JWilson N lson of PlainHeld Plalnfeld X jr jra Ia L Laa cousin clsln of the bride performed the cere ceremony cerl cereirony mony assisted Islter hy the Rev Herbert Ilrbert Ship Shipman Rhipmnn Shipmanman rector rtctor of the Church of tho Heavenly HeavenlyReal leaenly leaenlyReltReal Relt The Th bride who wh was given Ilven In mar marriage marrlll marnags nags rlll by her brother brther George Oor n Watts WatR wore woreaa white hit satin sntn gown trimmed with wl1 old rose rosepoint rol rosepointpoint lace and her tulle tule veil vei was caught caughtwith cauhtwith caughtwithwith a spray spry of orange oranle blossoms blolom Hor Horornamemts Horornalllts 11crornamentsornaments ornalllts tiers re nearls ncarisand and nd diamonds IUsmond and andhe andIhl andsheIhl she valley valey he carried a I shower bouquet b ullult of lilies Ile of the thovalley tbevaley thevalleyThe bridal attendants included Incuded the Misses MissesAlice MIB8esAlee MissesAhicAlice Alee Hnbln daughter daulbter of r Bishop hop RabinMabel Uatntll lamU daughter dautbter of Mr 1r and ld MrsHugh HUIl II Hamlll 1Iml of Trenton rllton N j J Miss 1IRIMabel IA L Vie VI and Miss I1s5 Lottie Ltie Williams WilliamsMliM WllamR WllamR1U VilllanisMissMiss 1U Helen Telen Wood Wod flrecn nrln daughter dalllhter of Mr Mrand Mrand Mrandand Mrs Mrf Henry Woodhull Woodhul UreEn a 1 niece nlecoofof the bride was a thp th maid Inall of honor Sho Shocarried ShocnrrlP1 Shecarrisdacarried cnrrlP1 a basket blkpt of Killarnoy Klarney roBes roBesCl rosesCapt t tCftptCftpt Cl tlrnk Frank K J Evans JvnM V t S M C was WR theb blt t man and the uahent u8he mielierewsre were wrp Passed Plsed Assist AsuUtant ABsiRtInt Assistantant Int Surgeon Surion Morton Mortn W Baker Baker r 1 H 14Capt Jf JfCaptCapt Cp Henry H My l U s M 1 P Major MajorHenry lIb Majorhoary jN jNCp or orHenryHenry Henri U Wilson Ilon Efghth flgnth Hegtment leJlment N 1N Y nnd First tirst Lieut arde BreeiseFourth FOlrth Regiment N 2 0 N 1 A reception receptionfollowed receptionfollowedrecepton receptonrOIwedfollowed rOIwed the thl ceremony Cremony at at the tht th homo of the theFiftyfourth thebrtdel thebridesbrtdel brides brther brother Oeorle George B Wlt Watt 72 East EntFCtyrourth EastFiftyfourthFiftyfourth FCtyrourth street Capt Jnlt McUougal McDugal andhis hi bride will wi spend the summer at Sea SeaOlrt Heart SeaGirtGirt rt N JCrowell Crowelloron CrowelloronDr CrwellUorton CrwellUortonDr llorton llortonDrDr Bowman Corning Cornlnl Crowell of thin thl city cityand cty ctyand cityandand Mills Prances Franev Everett Evert Horton Horn daughter dauzhterof dau hter hterorof Capt Cpt Frederick TompkIns and Mrs MrsTompklns Mr MrsTompkinsTompkins of Brooklyn Droklyn were married mared at830 8 oclock last night at the Hotel 10iel Savoy SavoyMlM Svoy SavoyMissMiss 11 Mabel Taylor Cjoaby oeby a cousin cusin of the thebride thebrd thebridebride brd was the mald honor and Dr Doug Doul las SymmcrB 1 ymmr was wa the thl tb best man Miss ItlissBestrIce MissBeatrice 18Beatrice Lyman was the flower girl and andMuter andMuter andMuterMuter Dwight Dwilht Lyman LYJan was the page The Thewh Tbeuhr Theusherswh uhr ushers r8 w wr r Dr D David S Likely of New NewYork NewYork NewYorkCanada York and Samuel SaUuel Crowell Crwel of Toronto TorontoCanada TorontoCanada TorontoCanada0 0II I L WIf r f1= =Colonial Chiffonieh ChiffoniehHarmonize 4Harmonize with withthe wih wihthe withthethe other furnish furnishings furnishings furnishlegs ings of any taste tasteful tasteful tasteful ful home We Weoffer Weorer Weofferoffer orer them singly singlyoror in i matched sets setswith set setswithwith wih bureau and anddressing anddressing c cdressingdressing table In Inevery hieveryIn Ineveryevery instance the thestyle thestyle thestylestyle is is accurate accurateand accurateand accurateandand the 1orkman workman workmansh 1 1shI sh ip is as near per perfection k yI fection s our ourtifty fifty fiftyii years yearsI yearsexperience yearsexperienceI experience1 can bring it itSchmtttI Schmttt SchmtttF htntll Broth BrothrurnturcF rurnturc MaSer fi fiEstabilibedI Eitabllabnl less ISAMAlto a aAlsoAlto Antiqu urid ml R Reproductis prodwifttoB343 It 345 345MADISONAVL MADISON AVI AVIBrenfanosi 5 5BrentanosBrentanos BrenfanosTravel i iTav 4 4TravelTravel Tav l Deparm Departmeii DepartmeiiGuide f fOO j jGtleGuide Gtle GtzldeJtook Hooks HooksCable B BI 1Y 1YCableCable Codes CodesAutomobile CodesAutomobileAutomobile and Other Ma MaPhrase Map MapPbrasePhrase Books and Dlctt DlcttBrentanos DiefloS DiefloStItI Ic IcBrenlanosIBrentanos Brentanos5lhj 5lh th Ave and 27th St StAsk 51lIlAsk for Callanan CallananPARROT CallananPARROT 1PARROT BRAND RYE WHISKE WHISKEOneOne of the best distilled In Kentucky Kentuckyiruaranteed Ksntuckymi Ksntuckymiguaranteedguaranteed pun bottled In bond beadIer beadIerI torn tornLL I J 1 CAlLANAPf 41 43 43I VESET 1 1NOTICEI KPItCIAj NOTICESgNOTICE NOTICEbee NOTICEII bee to rive notice that I bay bavmy bayraymy management ol THE NEW YORK T TCOMPANY TtX1CAIi TtX1CAIiCOMPANYCOMPANY COMPANYThe COMPANYTile1The company h now thoroughly and effloftsiiijr effloftsiiijrorganized I Iorganizedorganized and officered Is operating ticmq4 ticmq4central from o1 o1centralcentral garage nod has ha the most ihoretwgeographical ihoretw ihereusmgeographicalgeographical distribution of stauona stationla In iho the cUp diflitIt lies also time largest equipment and Is prepare preparetoto servo the public faithfully and efficiently encicatlyIts r rItsIts corps ot starters Is loyal and palnaUilac palnaUilacItsIts it central despatching telephone arstem y t m tun tunbeen ha I Ibeenbeen much Improved and Its list of cbauftBUM cbauftBUMhis t thashis been purged and purified and comprises coznprlseavcry coznprlseavcrymany very verymanymany capable and experienced men menirir 11 C M JIO5Kl JIO5KlNew If rtQlTIItJ4 v New York April Apri 19 1910 1800 1800Prof 1000Profl lPofProf Pof Goodale of harvard lanar BeatcnC BeatcnCCAUBBIDOE Res1MCAMBRIDGECAMBRIDGE Mass Ma Ma April Apri 24 20 The Them Themva liar Harvard liaryard yard va Collogo Coleg Collegesoflice office ofce announces anon0 the reelgnii reelgniition m mtlontlon of George Grge Lincoln Ooodale Gde rlg Fisher Fisherprofessor FIhel Fisherprofessorprofessor of natural ntural history and director directorof drlof the Botanic Btlo Gardens Gaes since 1888 18 to t take takeeffect tke tkeee takeelTecteffect ee on September Septmb 1 Prof Prf Ooodale Ge was wasprofe wa wasprofaprofe profe jor r of natural natur science senc at Bonrdoln Bdoin BdoinId Bowdoinand Bonrdolnnndand Id profennor profeMr of materla mtl medlca at attn the theMedical theMedicalmec1872 Medical Meicl 12 School of Maine o from frm 1M7 till Ul f1 2ff7e9595c